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Prominent Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) inked by India as of September 2021

As of my last update in September 2021, India has signed several Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) and Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreements (CECAs) with various countries and regional blocs. These agreements are aimed at promoting trade and economic cooperation, reducing tariffs, eliminating non-tariff barriers, and enhancing investment opportunities. It's important to note that the trade landscape can change, and new agreements may have been signed or existing ones updated since my last update. Here are some notable FTAs that India had signed as of September 2021:

ASEAN-India FTA: India has a Free Trade Agreement with the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), which includes Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam. The agreement aims to boost trade and economic ties between India and ASEAN member countries.

India-South Korea CEPA: India and South Korea signed the Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA) to promote bilateral trade and investment between the two countries.

India-Japan CEPA: The Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement between India and Japan is aimed at enhancing economic cooperation and trade relations.

India-Malaysia CECA: India has a Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement with Malaysia to facilitate trade and economic collaboration between the two nations.

India-Singapore CECA: The Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement between India and Singapore aims to deepen economic ties and boost investment flows.

India-Thailand FTA: India has a Free Trade Agreement with Thailand to promote trade and investment between the two countries.

India-MERCOSUR Preferential Trade Agreement: India has a Preferential Trade Agreement (PTA) with the Southern Common Market (MERCOSUR) countries, which include Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, and Uruguay.

India-Sri Lanka FTA: India has a Free Trade Agreement with Sri Lanka to enhance bilateral trade and economic cooperation.

India-Chile PTA: India has a Preferential Trade Agreement with Chile, aimed at expanding trade and economic relations.

India-ASEAN Services and Investment Agreement: This agreement focuses on enhancing cooperation in services and investment between India and ASEAN member countries.

These are just some of the significant trade agreements that India had in place with various countries and regions. It's important to stay updated on the latest developments in international trade relations as new agreements may have been signed or existing agreements may have been revised. Trade agreements can significantly impact export-import opportunities and provide businesses with preferential market access and tariff benefits. Therefore, it's essential for businesses to keep abreast of trade policy changes and leverage such agreements to expand their global trade activities. For the most current information on India's trade agreements, I recommend consulting official government sources or trade authorities.


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